Sunday, July 24, 2011


Monday, July 18, 2011

Approval addiction

I'm reading  this interesting article, loved to share it with you...

Everyone needs to feel appreciated on a regular basis. This stems from our very human need to know and feel that what we have done is right and worthy of notice. We feel good when someone gives us their love and approval.
However, being overly dependent on approval from others, and fearing their disapproval, comes from the belief that others are responsible for our worth. If they like what we have done or said, then we are okay. If they disapprove, then something is wrong with who we are as a person.
When we become dependent on approval because of inner insecurity or lack of love for ourselves, we choose conformity, being "nice", and putting our dreams on hold. We play life safe, not taking too many risks, and being careful to remain in the box of acceptability. Pushing down inner passion, self-expression, and creative pursuits, our life becomes lukewarm. As a result, we turn to to temporary pleasures to fill our need for authentic joy.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Throw yourself like a seed by Miguel de Unamuno

Throw yourself like a seed
Shake off the sadness, and recover your spirit;

sluggish you will never see the wheel of fate

that brushes your heel as it turns going by,

The man who wants to live is the man in whom life

is abundant.

Now you are only giving food to that final pain

which is slowy winding you in the nets of death,

but to live is to work, and the only thing

which lasts

is the work;

start then, turn to 
the work.


Throw yourself like a seed as you walk, and into

your own field,

Don't turn your face for that would be to turn

to death,

and do not let the past weigh down your motion

leave what's alive in the furrow, what's dead

in yourself,

for life does not move in the same way as a group

of clouds;

from your work you will be able one day to

gather yourself.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Je n’écoute pas de la musique
Mais j’écoute le son de mes maillons
Je n’ai pas nagé dans le pacifique
J’ai à peine vu l’océan

Je n’écoute pas de la musique
Je n’aime pas les accordéons
Je construis des murs en brique
Tout autour de ma maison

Je n’écris pas de poèmes lyriques
J’ai peur de mon crayon
J’ai peur qu’ils me critiquent
Ma maison toute en brique
Je me cache dedans

Je n’ouvre ni mes fenêtres, ni mes portes
J’ai peur que les loups soufflent sur ma prison
Je n’ai ni chaussettes, ni bottes
Car je demeure derrière mes cloisons

Et je ne sais pas le vent nordique
Ni les cieux au-dessus de mon champ
Je n’écoute pas de la musique
J’ai peur des chansons
Mardi 28 juin 2011